time is five states for internal interrupts and six states for external interrupts.
External interrupts must remain active for at least five state times to guarantee
interrupt recognition when the request occurs immediately after a sample has
been taken (i.e., requested in the second half of a sample state time).
If the external interrupt goes active one state after the sample state, the pin is not resampled for
another three states. After the second sample is taken and the interrupt request is recognized, the
interrupt controller requests the context switch. The programmer must also consider the time to
complete the instruction at the moment the context switch request is sent to the execution unit. If
9 states of a 10-state instruction have completed when the context switch is requested, the total
response time is 6 states, with a context switch immediately after the final state of the 10-state
instruction (see Figure 6-6).
Figure 6-6. Response Time Example #1
Conversely, if the external interrupt requests service in the state just prior to the next sample, re-
sponse is much quicker. One state asserts the request, one state samples, and one state requests
the context switch. If at that point the same instruction conditions exist, one additional state time
is needed to complete the 10-state instruction prior to the context switch (see Figure 6-7). The
total response time in this case is four state times. The programmer must evaluate all pertinent
conditions for accurate predictability.
State Time
Sample INT0#
Response Time = 6
Ten State
Push PC