CCBs Chip configuration bytes. The chip configuration
registers (CCRs) are loaded with the contents of the
CCBs after a device reset, unless the device is
entering programming modes, in which case the
PCCBs are used.
CCRs Chip configuration registers. Registers that specify
the environment in which the device will be
operating. The chip configuration registers are loaded
with the contents of the CCBs after a device reset
unless the device is entering programming modes, in
which case the PCCBs are used.
channel-to-channel matching error The difference between corresponding code
transitions of actual characteristics taken from
different A/D converter channels under the same
temperature, voltage, and frequency conditions. This
error is caused by differences in DC input leakage and
on-channel resistance from one multiplexer channel
to another.
characteristic A graph of output code versus input voltage; the
transfer function of an A/D converter.
clear The “0” value of a bit or the act of giving it a “0”
value. See also set.
code 1) A set of instructions that perform a specific
function; a program.
2) The digital value output by the A/D converter.
code center The voltage corresponding to the midpoint between
two adjacent code transitions on the A/D converter.
code transition The point at which the A/D converter’s output code
changes from “Q” to “Q+1.” The input voltage corre-
sponding to a code transition is defined as the voltage
that is equally likely to produce either of two adjacent
code width The voltage change corresponding to the difference
between two adjacent code transitions. Code width
deviations cause differential nonlinearity and nonlin-
earity errors.
crosstalk See off-isolation.
DC input leakage Leakage current from an analog input pin to ground.