
Networking Silicon — 82540EP
Datasheet 5
2.0 Features of the 82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller
2.1 PCI Features
2.2 MAC Specific Features
Features Benefits
PCI Revision 2.3 support for 32-bit wide interface at
33 MHz and 66 MHz
Application flexibility for LAN on Motherboard
(LOM) or embedded solutions
64-bit addressing for systems with more than 4
Gigabytes of physical memory
Support for new PCI 2.3 interrupt status/control
Algorithms that optimally use advanced PCI, MWI,
MRM, and MRL commands
Efficient bus operations
CardBus Information Services (CIS) Pointer
Enables CardBus operation (when used with
external FLASH device and series termination on
PCI bus)
CLKRUN# Signal PCI clock suspension for low power mobile design
Features Benefits
Low-latency transmit and receive queues
Network packets handled without waiting or buffer
IEEE 802.3x compliant flow control support with
software controllable pause times and threshold
Control over the transmissions of pause frames
through software or hardware triggering
Frame loss reduced from receive overruns
Caches up to 64 packet descriptors in a single burst Efficient use of PCI bandwidth
Programmable host memory receive buffers (256
Bytes to 16 KBytes) and cache line size (16 Bytes to
256 Bytes)
Efficient use of PCI bandwidth
Wide, optimized internal data path architecture
Low latency data handling
Superior DMA transfer rate performance
64 KByte configurable Transmit and Receive FIFO
No external FIFO memory requirements
FIFO size adjustable to application
Descriptor ring management hardware for transmit
and receive
Simple software programming model
Optimized descriptor fetching and write-back
Efficient system memory and use of PCI
Mechanism available for reducing interrupts
generated by transmit and receive operations
Maximizes system performance and throughput
Support for transmission and reception of packets up
to 16 KBytes
Enables jumbo frames