
Release Notes for the Cisco 811 and 813 Routers for Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)XF
78-11070-02, Rev. H0
System Requirements
Resolved Caveats—Release 12.1(2)XF2
This section describes possibly unexpected behavior by software releases prior to Release 12.1(2)XF2
that have been resolved in Release 12.1(2)XF2 and above.
If secondary IP addresses are configured on either an Ethernet or FastEthernet interface and the
running-config is saved to NVRAM, when the router is reloaded the secondary IP addresses disappear
from the configuration. This caveat is identical to the caveats: CSCdr51651, CSCdr72866,
CSCdr72868, and CSCdr77724, as well as cases A445655, A519050, and A466616. The problem was
originally found in Release 12.1(2)T. This caveat is fixed in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)XF2.
Open Caveats—Release 12.1(2)XF1
This section describes possibly unexpected behavior by Release 12.1(2)XF1.
Cisco 801 through 804 router initialization ignores the CPU type and always loads the micro code for
the MPC850.
Open Caveats—Release 12.1(2)XF
This section describes possibly unexpected behavior by Release 12.1(2)XF.
On a Cisco 800 series router, the configuration for the second POTS port might not take effect if a called
party number for an incoming call on an ISDN line is not provided.
Related Documentation
The following sections describe the documentation available for the Cisco 811 and 813 Routers.
Typically, these documents consist of hardware and software installation guides, Cisco IOS
configuration and command references, system error messages, feature modules, and other documents.
Documentation is available as printed manuals or electronic documents, except for feature modules,
which are available online on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM.
Use these release notes with the documents listed in the following sections:
Release-Specific Documents
Platform-Specific Documents
Feature Modules
Cisco IOS Software Documentation Set