C H A P T E R 7 Configuring Other SNMP Parameters
This command causes traps to be sent to IP address,
and causes the 7190 SNMP agent to put the community string NOC1
in the trap.
Other SNMP
The following CLI commands are used to display and configure
general SNMP parameters:
config sys snmp info
config sys snmp port <port>
config sys snmp sysContact <string>
config sys snmp sysName <string>
config sys snmp sysLocation <string>
config sys snmp auto-topology [enable|disable]
SNMP port is the UDP port used by the 7190 SNMP to listen for
SNMP requests. By default, the SNMP port is 161. The SNMP port
can be changed to a number between 5020 and 65535, or left at 161.
sysContact, sysName and sysLocation correspond to the MIB
variables of the same name in MIB-II.
sysContact is the name of
the administrator of this 7190. By default,
sysContact is null.
sysName is the name of the 7190. By default, sysName contains the
hostname of the 7190.
sysLocation indicates where the 7190 is
physically located. By default,
sysLocation is null.
Support for Nortel Auto-topology protocol is enabled with auto-
topology. By default, auto-topology is disabled. When
enabled, the Auto-topology protocol automatically executes
whenever SNMP runs.