NetStructure™ 470T and 470F Switches User Guide
If the option you selected allows you to configure or monitor a specific port,
you can change to another port by clicking it on the faceplate graphic.
Port color on the faceplate graphic indicates the status of the port.
Port Color Meaning
Blue Port has a link at 1000Mbps.
Green Port has a link at 100Mbps.
Magenta outline Ports are in a link aggregation.
Orange Port is disabled.
Gray No link.
Each configuration screen includes four buttons on the bottom of the screen.
Button Function
Submit Applies the configuration settings on the current screen.
Note: If you do not save the settings to the switch’s flash
memory your changes are lost when the switch is rebooted.
Reset Clears any changes you made on the current screen and
restores the currently applied settings.
Default Applies factory defaults for this screen’s settings. When
you log out, you can permanently save the new settings to
the switch. Otherwise, they are lost upon the next reboot.
Help Displays Help for the current screen.