Automated Support
You can reach Intel’s automated support services 24 hours a day, every day
at no charge. The services contain the most up-to-date information about
Intel products. You can access installation instructions, troubleshooting
information, and general product information.
World Wide Web & Internet FTP
Access Intel’s World Wide Web page or download information using anonymous FTP.
How to Access:
Customer Support:
Customer Support Technicians
Free support for 90 days: You can speak with our technical support
professionals free of charge for 90 days after your initial call.
North America only: (916) 377-7000
Other support services: You can purchase a range of support services,
including 24-hour support, per-incident support, on-site service, and
software and hardware maintenance agreements. For details about the Intel
Support Service options, go to our Web site at http://support.intel.com/
services and choose your geography.
Worldwide access: Intel has technical support centers worldwide. Many of
the centers are staffed by technicians who speak the local languages. Go to
our Web site at http://www.intel.com/intel/contact to find the Intel support
center for your geography.
Country Number Country Number
France +33 (0) 1 41 91 85 29 Australia (Sydney) +1-800-649-931
Germany +49 (0) 69 9509 6099 Hong Kong +852-2-844-4456
Italy +39 (0) 2 696 33276 Korea +822-767-2595
UK +44 (0) 870 607 2439 Singapore +65-831-1311
Japan +81-298-47-0800 Taiwan +886-2-718-9915
PRC +800-820-1100 Indonesia +001-803-65-7249
Malaysia +1-800-80-1390 New Zealand +0-800-444-365
India +0006517,8311-311 Thailand +1-800-631-0003
If you don’t have access to automated services, contact your local dealer or
distributor. Or call +1-916-377-7000 from 07:00 to 17:00 Monday through
Friday, U.S. Pacific Time.
Intel Customer Support
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