
IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — November 2003 31
Demo Details
A module is treated by the EventRouter as a block box. It has three types of APIs:
Init( ) – for initializing a module
GetNumOfDevices( ) – returns the number of devices available to the application
GetDeviceHandle( ) – returns a device handle
GetDeviceXmitSlot( ) – returns a device transmit timeslot
SetDeviceReceiveSlot( ) – sets a device receive timeslot
ProcessEvent( ) – processes event data
Exit( ) – exits a module
5.2.4 Classes
This section describes the classes contained in the demo and within each module. Each module
contains three classes: board, device, and state machine.
Table 5. Application Classes
Class Name Interface
Responsible for parsing configuration file and
populating configuration variables in the program.
ParseConfigFile( )
Parses configuration file
ChannelNumber( )
Gets the number of channels that are the
minimum of the number of voice lines and the
number of IP lines
IPParms( )
Returns configured IP parameters
VoiceParms( )
Returns configured voice parameters
Responsible for connecting all the modules. It does
the following:
Maintains routing tables
Retrieves event data from the SRL and routes
them to modules
Gets event process results from the modules and
routes them to other modules if the destination is
not NONE
Init( )
Initializes the IP module, voice module, and fax
Builds event routing tables
Exit( )
Terminates IP module, voice module, and fax
ProcessEvent( )
Retrieves event data from Global Call and routes
them to a module for processing
Routes processing result to other module(s) for
further processing.