Command Control
Serial Communication Configuration
Visit our website for additional RS-232 settings and information.
To control this projector via RS-232, connect a null modem cab
le and set the
control system serial port settings to match the following communication
RS-232 Port Settings
Setting Value
Bits per second 19,200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Emulation VT100
Network Communication Configuration
For network control, you can access the projector through Port 23 (Telnet).
We use the same control codes on serial as we do over the network. InFocus
network co
ntrol uses the Telnet packet structure.
Command Format
All commands consist of 3 alpha characters followed by a request, all
enclosed in parentheses. The request can be a read request (indicated by a
"?") or a write request (indicated by 1 to 4 ASCII digits).
A read request example:
(AAA?) where
(starts the command
AAA denotes the command
? denotes the read request
) ends the command
Read Command Examples
Function Command Response
Brightness (BRT?) (96-160,128)
Volume (VOL?) (0-32,16)
Lamp Hours (LMP?) (0-32766, 42)
A read command returns the range and the current setting, for example:
A write request example:
(AAA####) where
(starts the command
AAA denotes the command
#### denotes the value to be written
(leading zeros not necessary)
) ends the command
Some commands have ranges, while others are absolute. If a number
greater than the maximum range is received, it is automatically set to the
maximum number for that function. If a command is received that is not
understood, a "?" is returned. With absolute settings, "0" is off, 1-9999 is on.
The one exception is the Power command, where 0 is off and 1 is on.
To assure the projector can process a command, wait 3 seconds before enter-
ing the next command.