Recent data En 45h 6Eh
past data Ep 45h 70h
clear past data Ec 45h 63h
6) Warning commands
Read the recent warning data and the past warning data. The personal computer doesn’t attach the data code
onto the warning commands to send. On the other hand, the projector which has received a command, attach the
warning data as the data code to reply.
Control this projector by using a personal computer (Continue)
The recent warning data*
EN* (* is 2 digits, hexadecimal notation)
b1=Malfunction of the projector.
b2=The lamp is not illuminating.
b3=The lamp cover is not closed.
b4=The filter cover is not closed.
b5=Abnormal temperature (Outside)
b6=Abnormal temperature (the lamp)
b7=Abnormal temperature (Outside)
The past data
Ep* (* is 6 digits, hexadecimal notation)
b1=Operation time (during boot up '0' / when the power is ON, '1')
b2=Standby power short
b3=Switch power short
b4=Exausting fan (under the lamp) is stopped.
b5=Inhalation fan is stopped
b6=Exausting fan (under the liquid cristal) is stopped.
b7=Inhalation fan (Under the power box) is stopped.
b8=The lamp cover is not closed.
b9=The filter cover is not closed.
b10=The temperature sensor is off (Exausting fan)
b11=The temperature sensor is off (The lamp)
b12=Communication erro between microcomputer
b14=Abnormal temperature (the lamp)
b15=Abnormal temperature (outside)
b16=Abnormal temperature (MAIN circulated board)
b17=The lamp is not illuminating.
b21= The life of a lamp
[Example 1] The projector was broken when the warning status was confirmed.
Sending commands Status code from Meaning
from the PC etc. projector
30 30 45 6E OD Commnd for confirm resent data
'0' '0' 'E' 'n' '
30 30 45 6E 38 30 0D Warning command (Malfunction of
'0' '0' 'E' 'n' '8' '0' ' ' the projector) carried out
[Example 2]The exausting fan was broken when the power was ON and the past data of the warning was
Sending commands Status code from Meaning
from the PC etc. projector
30 30 45 70 OD Commnd for confirm past data
'0' '0' 'E' 'p' '
30 30 45 70 38 38 30 30 30 30 0D
Warning command (Inhalation fan is
'0' '0' 'E' 'p' '8' '8' '0' '0' '0' '0' '
' stopped when the power is ON) carried out