STEP-10 (See Diagram 10)
A.) Attach the Seat Bracket (#95) to the pivot on the Main Seat Support (#92).
B.) Attach the two Backrest Supports (#97) to the Seat Bracket (#95) and align the holes.
Secure them with a M12 x 8 ½” Allen Bolt (#113), two Ø 1” Washers (#111), and one
M12 Aircraft Nut (#112). Use the T-shaped Lock Pin on the Main Seat Support to lock the
Seat Bracket at desired incline.
C.) Attach the Backrest Incline Support (#96) in between the two Backrest Supports (#97).
Align the holes and secure it with a M12 x 8 ½” Allen Bolt (#113), two Ø 1” Washers
(#111), and one M12 Aircraft Nut (#112). Place the other end of the Support onto the
selected slot on the Main Seat Support.
D.) Do not over tighten the Nut and Bolt. Make sure the Backrest Supports and Backrest
Incline Support are able to swivel.
E.) Insert the Foam Tube Frame (#99) into the opening on the Front Post (#94). Use the T-
shaped Lock Pin to lock the Frame at desired height.
F.) Insert the Foam Tube (#100) half way through the hole on the Foam Tube Frame. Push
two Vinyl Foam Rolls (#106) onto the Tube from both ends. Plug two Foam Roll End
Caps (#108) into the ends.