Storage Bins
Model Number Description
Price ($)
Approx. Shipping
Weight lbs (kg)
KBT5 Bin Kit for (1) 30” ICE Series™ Cuber on a 48” Bin $380 30 (14)
KBT7 Bin Kit for (1) 16” Flaker on a 48” Bin $380 32(15)
KBT8 Bin Kit for (1) 16” Flaker on a 30” Bin $370 20(9)
KBT9 Bin Kit for (2) Flakers on a 48” Bin $440 31 (14)
KBT14 Bin Kit for (1) 16” Flaker on a 22” Bin $240 15 (7)
KBT19 Bin kit for 22” ICE and GEM Series on a 30” machine $275 22 (10)
KBT22 Bin Kit for (2) GEM0650, GEM0956 or (2) GEM0650 GEM0956 on a 48” Bin $415 33 (15)
KBT23 Bin Kit for GEM0650, GEM0950, and GEM1256 on 48” Bin $415 33 (15)
KBT24 Bin Kit for (1) GEM0650 or GEM0956 on a 22” Bin $110 10 (5)
KBT26 Bin Kit for (1) GEM1856 on a 48” Bin $215 8 (4)
KBT41 Bin Kit for (1) 16” Flaker on 48” Bin $830 30 (14)
KBT42 Bin Kit for (2) 16” Flaker on 48” Bin $830 30 (14)
KBT61 Bin Kit for (1) 16” Flaker on 60” Bin $830 30 (14)
KBT62 Bin Kit for (2) 16” Flaker on 60” Bin $830 30 (14)
For combining wider bins with smaller models
Bin Tops
B25PP $1140 255 (116) 190 (86) 30 x 31 x 28 90 (41)
B40PS $1385 365 (166) 270 (123) 30 x 31 x 37
/2 135 (61)
B42PS $1460 374 (170) 275 (125) 22 x 31 x 50 135 (61)
B55PS $1615 556 (253) 400 (182) 30 x 31 x 50 155 (70)
B100PS $2230 927 (421) 670 (304) 48 x 31 x 50 230 (105)
B120SP† $4430 1193 (542) 896 (406) 48 x 34 x 54 300 (136)
B120SS† $5455 1193 (542) 896 (406) 48 x 34 x 54 300 (136)
B150SP† $5095 1499 (681) 1135 (516) 60 x 34 x 54 325 (148)
B150SS† $6275 1499 (681) 1135 (516) 60 x 34 x 54 325 (148)
B170SP† $5465 1866 (848) 1417 (644) 60 x 34 x 66 355 (161)
B170SS† $6600 1866 (848) 1417 (644) 60 x 34 x 66 355 (161)
CRT125 $1110 94 (43) 74 (34) 24 x 24 x 34 90 (41)
Bin Top is included free of charge for each Flake or Cube Ice Maker if B120, 150 or 170 bin, Bin Top and ice maker accompaning the bin are ordered together and on the same order.
An order that does not indicate a specic ice maker for each B120, 150 or 170 bin, and orders that consist of individual Bin Tops, are subject to List Pricing.
Note: KBT41, 42, 61 and 62 Bin Tops are available at no extra charge if included on a B120, B150 or B170 Order.
Insulated ice storage
Application ARI Bin Approx.
Bin Bin Dimensions Shipping
el List Storage Storage WxDxH* Weight
ber Price ($) lbs (kg) lbs (kg) in. lbs (kg)