
3.5.1 Drive Information
During this first step, we will verify that all the installed units are recognized and
available for future use.
Select Drive Information on the main menu.
The following screen appears:
IBM RAID Controller Configuration Ver 2.12
Adapter in Slot 1
┌────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐
Drive Information │┌─────────┐│ │┌─────────┐│
└────────────────────────────┘ │└Ch 1┘│ │└Ch 2┘│
│┌─Bay │┌─Bay
││ Array ──┐│ ││ Array ──┐│
│ ┌─────┐ │ │ ┌─────┐ │
│1 ┘ │ │1 ┘ │
│ ┌─────┐ │ │ ┌─────┐ │
│2 ┘ │ │2 ┘ │
│ ┌─────┐ │ │ ┌─────┐ │
│3 └ RDY ┘ │3 └
│ ┌─────┐ │ │ ┌─────┐ │
│4 └ RDY ┘ │4 └
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐
│ Drive ID IBM DFHSS2W 1717 │ │5 └ RDY ┘ │5 └
│ Drive Capacity 2150MB │ │ ┌───── ┌─────┐
│ Soft Error 0 │ │6 └ RDY ┘ │6 └
│ Hard Error 0 │ │ ┌───── ┌─────┐
│ Misc Error 0 │ │7 └ CDR ┘ │7 └
└─────────────────────────────────────────────┘ └───────────┘ └───────────┘
Figure 56. RAID Configuration Program - Drive Information
The columns on the right show any devices attached to each channel on the
adapter. The box on the left shows information about a specific device. The unit
whose information is displayed is highlighted on the right.
Use the up and down arrow keys to display the information for other devices.
Chapter 3. Hardware Configuration 103