
Address of a 2-byte field containing the number of insert fields
Address of the following message structure:
DS F Reserved
INS_1_TEXT_PTR DS A Address of insert 1
INS_1_LEN_PTR DS A Address of a fullword containing
the length of insert 1
DS F Reserved
DS F Reserved
INS_2_TEXT_PTR DS A Address of insert 2
INS_2_LEN_PTR DS A Address of a fullword containing
the length of insert 2
DS F Reserved
DS F Reserved
INS_n_TEXT_PTR DS A Address of insert n
INS_n_LEN_PTR DS A Address of a fullword containing
the length of insert n
DS F Reserved
The exit-specific parameters provide a message number and insert fields
only, to enable you to provide messages in the language of your TSO
operators. The structure pointed to by UEPINSA is repeated as many times
as UEPINSN requires.
Return codes
Continue processing.
Irrecoverable error. This causes DFHCSDUP to terminate with a
return code of ‘8’.
XPI calls
Must not be used.
The termination exit
The purpose of the termination exit is to allow you to perform final housekeeping
duties. It is invoked before a normal or an abnormal termination of DFHCSDUP.
When invoked
Invoked once, before termination of DFHCSDUP.
Exit-specific parameters
Address of a 1-byte field that indicates the mode of termination. Its
possible values are:
X'00' Normal termination
X'F0' Abnormal termination.
Your exit program cannot reset the value in this field.
Return codes
828 Customization Guide