
pshpstuningguidewp040105.doc Page 10
The overhead in maintaining the file cache can impact the performance of large parallel
applications. Much of the overhead is associated with the sync() system call (by default, run
every minute from the syncd daemon). The sync() system call scans all of the pages in the file
cache to determine if any pages have been modified since the last sync(), and therefore need to be
written to disk. This type of delay affects larger parallel applications more severely, and those
with frequent synchronizing collective calls (such as MPI_ALLTOALL or MPI_BARRIER) are
affected the most. A synchronizing operation like MPI_ALLTOALL can be completed only after
the slowest task involved has reached it. Unless an effort is made to synchronize the sync
daemons across a cluster, the sync() system call runs at different times across all of the LPARs.
Unless the time between synchronizing operations for the application is large compared to the
time required for a sync(), the random delays from sync() operations on many LPARs can slow
the entire application. To address this problem, tune the file cache to reduce the amount of work
each sync() must do..
To determine if the system is impacted by an increasing file cache, run the vmstat -v command
and check the numperm and numclient percentages. Here is an example:
vmstat -v
[. . .]
0.6 numperm percentage
10737 file pages
0.0 compressed percentage
0 compressed pages
0.0 numclient percentage
[. . .]
If the system tends to move towards a high numperm level, here are a couple of approaches to
address performance concerns:
Use vmo tunables to tune page replacement. By decreasing the maxperm percentage
and maxclient percentage, you can try to force page replacement to steal permanent
and client pages before computational pages. Read the vmo man page before changing
these tunables, and test any vmo changes incrementally. Always consult IBM service
before changing the vmo tunables strict_maxperm and strict_maxclient.
If most of the permanent file pages allocated are listed as being client pages, these might
be NFS pages. If NFS accesses are driving the file cache up, consider periodically
unmounting the NFS file systems (for example, use automount to mount file systems as
they are required).
3.3 svmon and vmstat commands
The svmon and vmstat commands are very helpful in analyzing problems with virtual memory.
To find an optimal problem size, it helps to understand how much memory is available for an
HPS application before paging starts. In addition, if an application uses large pages, it must know
how much of that resource is available. Because processes compete for the memory, and memory
allocation changes over time, you need to understand the process requirements. The following
sections introduce how to use the svmon and vmstat commands for debugging. For more
information, see the AIX 5L performance and tuning guide and the related man pages.