
saving data 17
starting data collection 33
stopping data collection 35
table manager diagnostics 77
what is detected 13
what is not detected 14
worsening of affinities lifetimes 14
worsening of affinities relations 14
CAFB request queue manager 80
data formatter 80
table manager 77
dynamic transaction routing
benefits 3
compared to static routing 1
cost 3
overview 1
global affinity relation 4
HEADER statements, Builder 58
HOLD commands 66
installing the affinity utility program
creating the VSAM files 21
data space size 21
overview 21
restarting your CICS region 23
tailoring your CICS startup job 23
lifetime of affinities
activity 5
logon 5
overview 4
permanent 5
process 5
pseudoconversation 5
signon 5
system 5
worsening 14
log off, detection of 14
logon affinity lifetime 5
LUname affinity relation 4
permanent affinity lifetime 5
process 5
programming techniques for transaction affinity
safe 6
suspect 6
unsafe 6
protecting applications from one another 7
pseudoconversation affinity lifetime 5
pseudoconversation end, 13
relation of affinities
global 4
LUname 4
overview 4
userid 4
worsening 14
RELEASE commands 66
Reporter 41
affinity transaction group definitions, producing 46
affinity transaction groups, modifying 48
compressing affinity data 49
output 42
output report 43
output report (example) 43
overview 18
running 31, 41
understanding the affinities 48
using the report 47
affinity report, Reporter 43
analyzing, useful tips 75
creating a detailed report, Scanner 27
creating a summary report, Scanner 25
data sets processed report, Builder 61
detailed, contents of 28
detailed report, Scanner 27
empty transaction groups report, Builder 61
error report, Builder 62
group merge report, Builder 61
requesting region 2
routing region 2
safe programming techniques 6
saving data 16
creating a detailed report 27
input parameters 27
output contents 28
creating a summary report 25
input parameters 25
output contents 26
overview 12
running 25
sign off, detection of 14
signon affinity lifetime 5
static transaction routing
compared to dynamic routing 1
summary report (Scanner)
creating 25
output contents 26
output example 27
suspect programming techniques 6
system affinity lifetime 5
82 CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide