
Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 449
Release 4.5, Revision 2
The fifth file (filesys.dat) is automatically updated by HDM as new aggregates and filesets are
created. Therefore, this file should not ordinary be edited by the administrator. HDM cannot be
started if this file is missing or does not contain correct information. Before starting HDM for the
first time, a special version of filesys.dat must be created so that HDM will recognize that the file is
It is possible to run multiple instances of HDM on one machine. For example, one HDM might be
used to handle mirrored aggregates, while another might be used to handle archived aggregates.
To set up a system in this manner, be sure to keep the associated configuration and log files in
separate directories. For example, /var/hpss/hdm/hdm1 and /var/hpss/hdm/hdm2.
Since logs necessary for HDM are heavily used and vital, it is recommended that configuration
directories and the directories where the logs are stored be placed on file systems that are mirrored
and have low latencies. Also, the log files defined in the config.dat must exist before the HDM is
run. Simply use the touch command to create these files if they do not exist already. For XFS, an
additional file, nshandle.dat, must also exist before the HDM is run. Create it using the touch
command. config.dat File
The basic configuration file, config.dat, is a text filethat defines the configuration of an HDM server.
It is recommended that the file be kept in the directory /var/hpss/hdm/hdm<id>.
The file consists of a series of lines, where each line defines one parameter. The first field on the line
specifies the name of the parameter and the second field is the value for that parameter. The first
line in the file must define ServerID. The following lines define the rest of theparameters. ServerID
must begin in column one, while the other parameters must be indented by at least one tab
character. The file may contain comments that start with a ‘#’ character and continue until the end
of the line.
ServerID is an arbitrary number used to distinguish different HDM servers defined in the
configuration file. Once ServerID has been established, it should not be changed because it is used
during event recovery whenever HDM is restarted. A good choice for ServerID is 1, since this is
the default used by hdm_admin. HDM can be started with the command:
hdm_admin start /var/hpss/hdm/hdm<id>/config.dat <ServerID>
where ServerID is a number identifying which part of the configuration file HDM should read.
Following is an extract from a typical configuration file:
# An example HDM configuration file
ServerID 1
DescName Production configuration
RegisterBitMap 0.0 #A comment
Refer to the template file, /opt/hpss/config/templates/hdm_config.dat.template when constructing
a config.dat file.