3770Link Script Language
Commands are not case sensitive, they are shown in upper case for clarity.
Replace text in italics with the appropriate values. Parameters enclosed in
square braces "[ ]"are optional. When two or more parameters are
separated by a bar “|”, only one of them may actually be used at a time.
Command Syntax Description
; [comment] Ignore comment line.
# [comment] Ignore comment line.
:label Set label used for branching and looping.
%n Replace %n with nth parameter specified.
%lastfile% Replace %lastfile% with name of last file
%copies%,%date%,%ddname%, Replace with corresponding PDIR field.
ANS [/t=x | /m=x] Wait for incoming call then auto answer.
/t=x - Time-out after x seconds.
/m=x - Time-out after x minutes.
APPEND source_file dest_file Append source_file to dest_file.
APPREQ request Send request as an application request to the
CALL scriptfile Execute scriptfile and return upon
CHAIN scriptfile Transfer control to scriptfile.
COMPRESS /on | /off Turn compression on or off during send.
CONN [/t=x | /m=x] Establish a direct connection.
/t=x - Time-out after x seconds.
/m=x - Time-out after x minutes.
COPY source_file dest_file Copy source_file to dest_file.
DEBUG /on | /off Turn debugging on or off.
DEL filename Delete filename.