
3-6 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Changing Modes
In the final section, “Modify OnLine Configuration,” configuration-changing
actions are divided into eight categories, according to the area of OnLine that
is affected:
Blobspaces (creating or dropping)
Buffers (changing the size of the logical or physical log buffer, or
changing the number of buffers in the shared-memory buffer pool)
Chunks (adding a chunk or changing its status)
Dbspaces (creating or dropping)
Forced residency (on or off, temporarily or for this session)
Mirroring (starting or ending, taking down or restoring a chunk)
Physical log (changing the location or size)
Shared-memory parameters (changing the values)
Changes associated with the logical log files or archive administration are
addressed separately under those topics. Performance tuning is discussed in
Chapter 5, “How to Improve Performance.”
Changing Modes
This section defines the OnLine operating modes, and provides instructions
for moving from one mode to another.
Types of OnLine Modes
OnLine has five modes of operation:
Offline mode
Quiescent mode
Online mode
Shutdown mode
Recovery mode
The last two modes, shutdown and recovery, are transitory and indicate that
OnLine is moving from one mode to another.