Engine Oil
Even though the low oil warning light on the instrument panel should illuminate if the oil level becomes low, the
engine oil level should be checked daily. The vehicle should be on a level surface when the oil is checked. Do not
overll the engine with oil.
Kawasaki engine: The Kawasaki gasoline engine has an oil lter that is mounted on a bracket between and in front of
the engine and transmission. Inlet and outlet oil-carrying hoses enable oil circulation to and from the engine. See
following NOTE.
NOTE: The normal oil pressure value stated in the Kawasaki engine manual is 35-45 psi at idle; however, the remote
lter design causes oil pressure to be 18 psi, which is normal for this type of oil circulation design.
1. Remove the oil level dipstick from the oil ller tube and wipe oil from the dipstick (Figure 19 and Figure 20).
See following CAUTION.
• Do not remove dipstick while engine is running.
2. Check oil level by fully inserting the dipstick into the tube and immediately removing it.
3. If the oil level is at or below the low level mark on the dipstick gauge, add oil to the engine until the level is
between low and full levels (safe level). See following CAUTION.
• Do not exceed recommended oil capacity. Doing so will decrease engine performance or result in
damage to the engine.
HUV 4421 Owner’s Manual Page 39