The services are sorted according to the favourite groups in the
Organise Favourites menu. There are three columns: the favourite
group column, the favourite list column and the service list column
containing services that do not belong to any favourite group.
The Organise Favourites menu supplies the following functions:
• Add a service to a favourite group.
• Remove a service from a favourite group.
• Move a service to another position in a favourite list.
• Lock a service in a favourite list.
• Skip a service in a favourite list when zapping the service.
To add a service to a favourite group, proceed as follows:
1. Activate the Organise Favourites menu for RADIO services via
the Main menu.
2. Move the cursor to the favourite group column using the
button. If the favourite group column is selected, the column is
3. Select a favourite group in the favourite group column using the
4. Move the cursor to the service list column using the button.
If the service list column is selected, the column is highlighted.
5. Select the desired service in the service list column using the
button. The button can be used to page up/down the
service list. Then press the OK ( ) button to move it.
6. Press the EXIT ( ) button to confirm.
Organise Favourite Services