- Tighten the clamp screw of each brake lever
- Move each bar end around the handlebar to a position that is comfortable to the rider
- Tighten the clamp bolt of bar end securely.
8. Test the tightness of the handlebar ends:
- Hold the bicycle stationary and try to move the ends of the handlebar ends forward and backward
- If either handlebar end moves on the handlebar, reposition it and tighten the clamp bolt tighter
than before
- If the handlebar moves in the stem, loosen the stem clamp, reposition the handlebar, and tighten
the handlebar clamp tighter than before
- Do this test again, until the handlebar ends and the handlebar do not move.
9. Put each brake lever in the correct position:
- Put each brake lever in a position that is comfortable to the rider
- Tighten the clamp screw of each brake lever.
WARNING: If you choose to ride with your hands on the handlebar ends, be careful. You will
not be able to stop as quickly because your hands are farther away from the brake levers.