
January 2009 UDA2182 Universal Dual Analyzer Product Manual 95
Parameter Selection or
Range of Setting
Parameter Definition
Control Alg
PIDA (default)
Duplex A
Duplex B
In PID A, a step
change in setpoint
will result in a step
change in output.
In PID B, step
changes in setpoint
will not bump the
output; the output
will slew smoothly
to the new value.
PID A - is normally used for 3-mode control.
The output can be adjusted somewhere
between 100 % and 0 %. It applies all three
control actions -Proportional (P), Integral (I),
and Derivative (D) - to the error signal.
PID B - Unlike the PID-A equation, the
analyzer gives only an integral response to a
setpoint change, with no effect on the output
due to the Gain or Rate action, and gives full
response to PV changes.
DUPA - like PID A but provides an automatic
method to switch tuning constant sets.
DUPB - like PID B but provides an automatic
method to switch tuning constant sets.
Note: For Duplex A and Duplex B if the output
is greater than 50%, then tuning set 1 is used.
If the output is less than 50%, then tuning set 2
is used.
Control Action Direct
Reverse (default)
DIRECT - PID action causes output to
increase as process variable increases.
REVERSE - PID action causes output to
decrease as process variable increases.
Power Mode
Mode permitted at power up.
Power Out
Failsafe (default)
Output at Power up
FAILSAFE - Failsafe output value.
LAST - Same as at power down.
Failsafe Out -5.00 to 105.00%
default = 0.00
Failsafe Output Value – The Output value to
which the analyzer will go if there is a power
down or Failsafe condition (Input Faults).
Manual Select
Any Digital Signal
See Table 6-4
Selects Manual Output
SP Power On
Local SP(default)
Setpoint at Power up
LAST - Same as at power down.
Local SP – Local Setpoint value.
RSP Source
Any Analog Signal
See Table 6-3
Selects the analog signal that will be used as
the remote setpoint. The remote setpoint
should be supplied in PV engineering units.
1.0 (Default)
-20 to 20
Ratio that is applied to the Remote Setpoint.