THX9321/9421 Prestige
Heat pump with outdoor temperature lockouts
Heat pump and backup heat operation
Heat pump only
Heat pump with backup heat as needed *
Backup heat only
Heat pump only
Heat pump or backup heat operates *
Backup heat only
Outdoor temperatureOutdoor temperature
Backup heat lockout
Backup heat lockout
Compressor lockout
Compressor lockout
* No backup heat unless indoor temperature drops to selected Backup Heat Differential setting, or Backup Heat
Upstage Timer expires. Heat pump stays ON when backup heat turns on.
* No backup heat unless indoor temperature drops to selected Backup Heat Differential setting, or Backup
Heat Upstage Timer expires. Heat pump turns OFF when backup heat turns on.
Backup heat allowed to run with heat pump (see table below)
Backup heat NOT allowed to run with heat pump (see table below)
Electric forced air Allowed to run with heat pump Thermostat controls fan
Gas or oil forced air NOT allowed to run with heat pump Equipment controls fan
Hot water radiant heat Allowed to run with heat pump [n/a]
Hot water fan coil Selectable in installer setup Thermostat controls fan
Other Selectable in installer setup Selectable in installer setup
Backup Heat Type Backup Heat Operation Backup Heat Fan Operation
69-2490_B.indd 19 7/13/2011 1:42:00 PM