15 63-4355—4
Table 9. Installer System Test Options.
Key to Press
Number Description
Heating Equipment System Test
Heat/Cool Settings 10 Enter heating equipment system test.
11 Stage-one heat turns on. The system fan is also energized.
12 Stage-two heat turns on. Stage-one heat and system fan remain on.
13 Stage-three heat turns on. Stage-one and stage-two heat with the system fan are on.
12 Stage-three heat turns off.
11 Stage-two heat turns off.
10 Stage-one heat and system fan turn off.
Emergency Heating Equipment System Test (T7300E,F with Q7300C,D)
Heat/Cool Settings 20 Change from heating to emergency heating equipment system test (Em Heat on).
21 Fan turns on.
20 Fan and highest stage heat turns off.
Cooling Equipment System Test
Heat/Cool Settings 30 Change from heating or emergency heating to cooling equipment system test.
31 Stage-one cooling and system fan turn on.
32 Stage-two cool turn on. Stage-one cool and system fan remain on.
33 Stage-three cool turns on (Q7300G,H only). Stage-one and stage-two cool with system
fan remain on.
32 Stage-three cool turns off.
31 Stage-two cool turns off.
30 Stage-one cool and system fan turn off.
Fan Equipment System Test
Heat/Cool Settings 40 Change from cooling to fan equipment system test.
41 Fan turns on.
42 High speed fan turns on (Q7300Ha, L only).
41 High speed fan turns off.
40 Fan turns off.
Key Operation System Test
Heat/Cool Settings 60 2 Change from fan to key operation system test.
Unoccupied Temp 60 0 Unoccupied Temp test number is displayed.
Occupied Temp 60 1 Occupied Temp test number is displayed.
60 3 Increase test number is displayed.
60 5 Decrease test number is displayed.
Clear Start Time 60 7 Clear Start Time test number is displayed.
Day 60 8 Day test number is displayed.
Copy 60 9 Copy test number is displayed.
Unoccupied Start TIme 60 10 Unoccupied Start Time test number is displayed.
System (select models) 60 11 System test number is displayed.
Fan (select models) 60 12 Fan test number is displayed.
Set Current Day/Time 60 14 Set Current Day/Time test number is displayed.
Run Program 60 15 Run Program test number is displayed.
Temporary Occupied 60 16 Temporary Occupied test number is displayed.
Occupied Start Time 60 17 Occupied Start Time test number is displayed.
Continuous Unoccupied 60 19 Continuous Unoccupied test number is displayed.