Document 900.0856 Rev B 87
Note The screen changes for the different types of text input devices,
changing the parameter boxes for you to enter information.
6. Highlight the box beside Virtual Port, and press . Select the port number to
use. This field will be activated only when setting up the VP Filter device.
7. Highlight the box beside Transaction Start, and press . Use the virtual
keyboard to enter the Transaction Start string. Refer to the device manufacturer’s
documentation for the text string that the device first sends when a transaction
8. If you want the DVR to react to any character sent from the text input device, you
will want to turn on Any Character. Highlight Any Character, and press to
toggle between On and Off.
Note If Any Character is turned On, you will not be able to enter any
text in the Transaction Start box.
9. Highlight the box beside Transaction End, and press . Use the virtual
keyboard to enter the Transaction End string. Refer to the device manufacturer’s
documentation for the text string that the device sends when a transaction ends.
10. Highlight the more line(s) box, and press . Select the number of additional
lines of text that you want the DVR to record. You can choose from 0 to 10.
11. Highlight the box beside Line Delimiter, and press . Use the virtual keyboard
to enter the character(s) that the device uses to indicate the end of a line. Special
characters can be created using ^ and a capital letter; for example, ^J for NL
(New Line), ^M for CR (Carriage Return). Refer to the device manufacturer’s
documentation for Line Delimiter character(s).
12. Highlight the box beside Ignore String, and press . Use the virtual keyboard to
enter any strings of text that you want the DVR to ignore. Refer to the device
manufacturer’s documentation for text strings that the device sends during
transactions, so you will know which ones you do not want recorded.
13. Highlight the Case Sensitive box, and press to toggle between On and Off.
Refer to the device manufacturer’s documentation to determine if the text strings
are Case Sensitive. If the device distinguishes between upper and lower case
letters, make certain the Case Sensitive box is enabled.
14. Highlight the box beside Time Out, and press . Set the length of time to wait
for the next text string. The DVR will consider a transaction ended if there is no text
string during timeout dwell time after the last text input string. You can adjust Time
Out dwell from 0 seconds to 10 minutes.
15. Highlight the Actions 1 and Actions 2 tabs and the Text-In Actions 1 and Actions
2 screens display.