DVR Operation
To stop playback and return to Live View, press repeatedly.
Archiving Data
Administrators can archive data to a USB memory stick or a CD/DVD. To protect
unauthorized viewing and distribution of footage, only users with ADMIN level of authority
(see Configuring User Authority on page 51) can archive data.
Using NEW ARCHIVING to Archive Data
1. Press BACKUP on the front panel or use a mouse click ARCH on the control bar.
The ARCHIVING window appears.
Figure 3-9 ARCHIVING Window
2. Query to find recorded video:
a. Select the channel(s) you want to query by clicking on the box to enable or
disable the check mark.
b. Select a time by clicking on the time field you want to change, then using the
up/down arrows to find the desire value.
c. Click QUERY.
Note To reset the QUERY function, click RELEASE.