28 96d User Manual M-511401
Honeywell 8/10
System Programming
Tx Info Menu
Scale Menus (1 and 2)
These menus appear only for certain devices. Scale(1) allows the
detection range, minimum and maximum, to be defined for the selected
device. Whatever value is specified is the value that will appear at the
device display (if applicable). The Minimum value is generally left at 0.
Parameters for the XNX and XCD gas detectors can be viewed here
but can be changed only at the transmitter.
Scale(2) allows the factor by which to divide the scale (between 0 and
65535) and the unit of measurement for the selected scale to be
The factor allows precise scale limits for detection to be set. By dividing
the maximum scale value in the first Scale screen (250 in this example)
by 10, a scale value of 25.0 can then be displayed.
The “Units” allow the unit of measurement for the device to be selected:
°F: Sets degree Farenheit as the unit of measurement
°C Sets degree Centigrade as the unit of measurement
%RH Sets Relative Humidity as the unit of measurement
mV Sets millivolts as the unit of measurement
V Sets volts as the unit of measurement
mA Sets milliamps as the unit of measurement
% Sets the percentage of gas as the point unit of measurement
ppm Sets parts per million of gas as the point unit of
1. Tx Info 001
Max 00250
Min 00000
1. Tx Info 001
Factor 00010
Units %