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AutoInstall consists of an AutoInstall.exe program file and an AutoInstall.exm file located in the root \Honeywell folder on
the terminal. The AutoInstall.exe program runs according to the settings in the AutoInstall.exm file. During a hard reset (cold
reboot), the AutoInstall program is launched and any cab files placed in the active storage folder (\Honeywell\AutoInstall)
are installed. See File Storage Locations on page 1-3 for additional information on permanent and active file storage locations.
Program Install Locations
When triggered by a reset, the CAB file installs the applications to the directories established in the CAB file. For most
applications, this means that an EXE for the software application is placed in the \Program Files folder.
The AutoInstall.exm file controls the behavior and appearance of the AutoInstall window and install process.
Note: The Autorun.exm file determines the programs and install sequence, not AutoInstall.exm.
Command Line Arguments
Add /copy to the Autorun.exm file to automatically move a file from one location to another.
Usage: autoinstall /copy <sourcefilename> <destination>
Example: autoinstall /copy "/windows/data.mdf" "/storage card/data.mdf"