11 62-2030—01
Use this page to configure the temperature setpoints used by the Stryker VAV device and other parameters that affect
temperature control.
To configure temperature setpoints:
6.1 Fields
Step Action
1 From the left pane of the VAV Configuration Wizard, select Temperature Setpoints.
2 Enter information in the available fields.
3 Click Undo All to revert to the last saved settings.
4 Click Next to display the Flow Setpoints page.
5 Click Finish to save settings to station.
Table 7. Temperature Setpoint Fields.
Name Definition
Cooling Setpoint Values for the occupied, standby, and unoccupied settings for the cooling setpoints.
NOTE: All set points must be between 50 Deg F to 90 Deg F or 10 Deg C to 32 Deg C.
Make sure that unoccupied heat < Standby heat < occupied heat < occupied cool <
Standby cool < unoccupied cool.
The following network variables are updated with the cooling set point values.
Heating Setpoint Values for the occupied, standby and unoccupied settings for the heating setpoints.
The following network variables are updated with the heating set point values.
Wall Module Center
Setpoint Limits
Configure the High and Low Setpoint Limits to be used on the wall module.
NOTE: The unit and range allowed will vary depending on the Setpoint knob type
selected in the Inputs page.
NOTE: These fields are enabled only when the wall module type is configured as "Con-
ventional Wall Module" or "TR71/75 Wall Module" and the Space Temperature Set-
point input is configured.
The range of these fields depends on whether the wall module set point knob type is "absolute" or
The following network variables are updated with the wall module center setpoint limits.
NOTE: These nci fields are unit less since the center point value can be in Deg F, Deg C or
Delta Deg F depending on the wall module type.
Unit is Deg F for Conventional wall module with Absolute Setpoint knob
Unit is Delta Deg F for Conventional wall module with Relative Setpoint knob
Unit is Deg C for TR71/75
DLC and Setpoint
Values for Demand limit shed setpoint shift. The space temperature cooling setpoint is shifted up
and the heating setpoint is shifted down by this value when a DLC shed command is received by
the controller.
The following network variables are updated with the DLC Setpoint Bump.