
5 - 4
Function Code Transmit
When this selection is enabled and function codes are contained within the scanned data, the scanner transmits the function
code to the terminal. Charts of these function codes are provided in Supported Interface Keys starting on page 8-2. When the
scanner is in keyboard wedge mode, the scan code is converted to a key code before it is transmitted. Default = Enable.
Communication Check Character
To enhance security, you can specify the transmission type of a check character; either LRC where the calculation starts on the
first transmitted character, LRC where the calculation starts on the second transmitted character, or CRC.
Note: This option adds a check character to the bar code data for all symbologies. If you need to enable or disable check
characters for individual symbologies, see Symbologies beginning on page 7-1.
Scan the following bar code to set the communication check character type. Default = None.
135 87 End 159 9F Caps Lock
136 88 Page Up 160 A0 Num Lock
137 89 Page Down 161 A1 Left Alt
138 8A Right ALT 162 A2 Left Ctrl
139 8B Right CTRL 163 A3 Left Shift
140 8C Reserved 164 A4 Right Shift
141 8D Reserved 165 A5 Print Screen
142 8E Numeric Keypad Enter 166 A6 Ta b
143 8F Numeric Keypad / 167 A7 Shift Tab
144 90 F1 168 A8 Enter
145 91 F2 169 A9 Esc
146 92 F3 170 AA Alt Make
147 93 F4 171 AB Alt Break
148 94 F5 172 AC Control Make
149 95 F6 173 AD Control Break
150 96 F7 174 AE Alt Sequence with 1 Character
151 97 F8 175 AF Ctrl Sequence with 1 Character
Alternate Extended ASCII Characters (Continued)
DEC HEX Keyboard Function DEC HEX Keyboard Function
* Enable
* None
LRC Starts on 1st Character