
You'll need to set the clock when first hooking up your VCR, and any time the power
goes out for more than 1 hour. When you first plug in the VCR or after a power outage,
the clock display will read "--:--".
To set the clock manually
Remote illustration
1 Press the GUIDE button.
The main on-screen menu will appear on the TV screen. Click to see remote control
You may view all the on-screen instructions in English, French, or Spanish. When you
first set up your VCR, it will be set to English. Press the (8) button for French or the (9)
button for Spanish.
2 Press the (3) button to bring up the "CLOCK SET" menu.
• The white dash "-" appears for the item to be changed on the screen as you proceed.
3 Press the number buttons to fill the hour and minutes. Click to see remote control
• For times with only one number (1-9) press the (0) button first, then the hour or minute.
For example, if it is now 10:20AM, press (1)(0)(2)(0). "AM" and "PM" will now appear on