Chapter 5 Instruction Specifications
Program description
[Time chart]
12 567
value of SS11
1] 2] 3] 4]
Set value
1] The progress value is updated and SS11 turns on at the leading edge
of X00001.
2] SS11 turns off when set value ≥ progress value.
X00001 is turned on at this time, but the single shot startup
conditions are ignored because it uses edge trigger.
3] SS11 is turned on at the leading edge of X00001 again, and the
progress value is updated.
4] When the leading edge of X00001 is detected while the progress
value does not reach the set value, the single shot timer is triggered
again and the progress value returns to 0, then starts increasing. The
SS11 remains on.
• Example using word I/O as the set value
When RUN is commenced, the set value is set to the word I/O.
Or, the word I/O for the set value is designated to store in the power failure memory.
OUT SS n t s