
5K320 SATA OEM Specification
r index
or entry Se
lf-test descripto
This indicates the most recent self-test descriptor. If there have been no self-tests, this is set to zero.
Valid values for the Self-test descriptor index are 0 to 18. Extended Self-test log descript
The content of the self-test descriptor entry is shown below.
Description Bytes Offset
Self-test number 1 00h
Self-test execution status 1 01h
Power-on life timestamp in hours 2 02h
Self-test failure check point 1 04h
Failing LBA (7:0) 1 05h
Failing LBA (15:8) 1 06h
Failing LBA (23:16) 1 07h
Failing LBA (31:24) 1 08h
Failing LBA (39:32) 1 09h
Failing LBA (47:40) 1 0Ah
Vendor specific 15 0Bh
Table 80 Extended Self-test log descriptor entry
14.17.4 Command Error
The following table defines the format of the Command Error data structure.
Byte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 NQ Rsv Rsv TAG
1 Reserved
2 Status
3 Error
4 LBA Low
5 LBA Mid
6 LBA High
7 Device
8 LBA Low Previous
9 LBA Mid Previous
10 LBA High Previous
11 Reserved
12 Sector Count
13 Sector Count Previous
14 – 255 Reserved
256 – 510 Vendor Unique
511 Data Structure Checksum
Table 81 Command Error information
The TAG field (Byte 0 bits 4-0) contains the tag number corresponding to a queued command, if the
NQ bit is cleared.
The NQ field (Byte 0 bit 7) indicates whether the error condition was a result of a non-queued or not.
If it is cleared, the error information corresponds to a queued command specified by the tag number
indicated in the TAG field.
The bytes 1 to 13 correspond to the contents of Shadow Register Block when the error was reported.