pointing stick 9
DisplayPort 17
external monitor 17
product description 4
USB charging 16
power button, identifying 12
power connector
removal 64
spare part number 64
power connector, identifying 16
power connector, spare part
number 64
power cord
set requirements 113
spare part numbers 29, 30
power lights 10, 15
power requirements, product
description 4
product description 1
product description
audio 2
chipset 1
display panel 1
Ethernet 2
external media cards 3
flash cache 2
graphics 1
hard drive 2
keyboard 4
memory module 1
microphone 2
mSATA module 2
operating system 5
pointing device 4
ports 4
power requirements 4
processors 1
product name 1
security 4
serviceability 7
solid-state drive 2
video 2
wireless 3
product name 1
recovery partition 103, 106
computer 112
reinstall Windows 107
preliminaries 35
procedures 40
remove everything and reinstall
Windows 112
computer 112
steps 112
restoring the hard drive 103, 106
RJ-45 (network) jack, identifying
RTC battery
removal 50
spare part number 24, 33, 50
Screw Kit, spare part number 29,
SD card insert, illustrated 24
security cable slot, identifying 16
security, product description 4
service considerations
cables 35
connectors 35
plastic parts 35
service cover
removal 51
spare part number 24, 34, 51
service tag 20
serviceability, product
description 7
setup utility
navigating and selecting 83,
restoring factory settings 84,
SIM slot, identifying 19
SIM, removal 41
security cable 16
SIM 19
smart card 16
smart card board
removal 73
spare part number 73
Smart Card reader
spare part number 23, 32
smart card slot 16
solid-state drive
precautions 36
product description 2
spare part numbers 24, 28,
33, 46
specifications 98
speaker assembly
removal 72
spare part number 23, 33, 72
speakers, identifying 18
computer 95
display 96
hard drive 97
mSATA drive 99
solid-state drive 98
system board
removal 67
spare part numbers 23, 67
system repair disc 100
system restore points 100
tools required 35
top cover, spare part numbers
23, 32, 33
buttons 9
removal 63
TouchPad light, identifying 10
TouchPad zone
identifying 9
transporting guidelines 38
travel battery connector,
identifying 18
USB 3.0 port 16, 17
USB legacy support 83, 87, 91
USB ports, identifying 16, 17
vents, identifying 16, 18
video, product description 2
volume mute button, identifying
Index 123