
Monitoring Products
93Embedded Web Server User Guide
Note: Note that if port optics have also failed, the amber LED will be on.
Invalid Attachment The switch port is in an invalid attachment
Link Incident A link incident occurred on one of the ports.
Link Reset The switch and the attached device are performing a link
reset operation to recover the link connection. Ordinarily, this is a transient
No Light No signal (light) is being received on the switch port. This is a
normal condition when there is no cable plugged into the port or when the
power of the device attached to the other end of the link is off.
Not installed The port optics are not installed or the feature that
provides additional port function is not enabled.
Not Operational The switch port is receiving the Fibre Channel not
operational sequence (NOS) indicating that the attached device is not
Online The attached device has successfully connected to the switch and
is ready to communicate or is in the process of communicating with other
attached devices.
Offline The switch port was configured as “blocked” and is
transmitting the Fibre Channel OLS to the attached device.
Port Failure The switch port has failed and requires service. (A port
in the failed state cannot beacon.)
Segmented E_Port The E_Port is segmented preventing the two
fabrics from joining (this only occurs when two switches are connected to
each other).
Testing Port is executing an internal loopback test.