
Chapter 3
Installing the System
Booting and Verifying the System
Figure 3-46 MP Console Option
Powering On the System 48 V Supply
Step 1. Switch on the 48V supply from each cabinet front panel.
If the complex has an IOX cabinet, power on this cabinet first.
In a large complex, power on cabinets in one of the two following orders: 9, 8, 1, 0 or 8, 9, 0, 1.
IMPORTANT The MP should be running in each window.
As the cabinet boots, observe the partition activity in the window displaying the VFP.
Step 2. For HP Integrity Superdome/sx2000 systems, follow the procedure in “Booting the HP Integrity
Superdome/sx2000 to a EFI Shell” on page 127.