
Viewing images on a TV
You can attach the HP Photosmart 420 series to a television monitor to view and
select the images that you want to print.
To view images on a television
1. Connect the printer to the television monitor by using the supplied video cable.
2. Turn the television monitor on and change the television setting to receive input
from the HP Photosmart GoGo Photo Studio. For more information, see the user
manual that came with the television.
3. Press the Video button on the printer control panel.
4. Press the arrow buttons on the printer or on the remote to browse the images. To
view images in an automatic slide show, press Play/Pause on the remote. Press
Play/Pause again to return to viewing images one at a time. For more information
on the remote, see Remote Control.
Improving the Quality of Your Images
The HP Photosmart 420 series GoGo Photo Studio provides a variety of preferences
and HP Real Life technologies that can improve the quality of your images. The
settings, with the exception of Remove Red Eyes, do not change your original image.
They only affect printing.
To remove red eyes from images:
1. While viewing images, press OK.
2. Select Remove Red Eyes in the Print Menu, then press OK. You can also select
Remove Red Eyes in the Playback Menu. Follow the prompts on the camera
Image Display to View Changes, Save Changes, or Cancel.
To zoom and crop an image
1. While viewing an image at normal size, press Zoom +. You can press Zoom +
multiple times to increase the zoom level. A crop box shows the portion of the
image that will print. A warning is displayed if the print quality will likely not be
acceptable at the current zoom level. In this case the crop box changes from
green to yellow to alert you. Press Zoom - to decrease the zoom level of a
zoomed image or press OK to return quickly to the normal view.
2. Press the arrow buttons to move the crop box around the zoomed image, as
Note If you want to print multiple copies of a zoomed image, press Print as
many times as desired while the image is still zoomed. If the image reverts to
normal size, you must zoom it again to print at the zoomed view.
Printing Images
This section describes some of the most common printing tasks. Make sure you have
loaded photo paper, inserted a print cartridge, and placed the camera in the camera
dock before you try to print.
Chapter 3
24 HP Photosmart 420 series GoGo Photo Studio