Thank you for purchasing an HP Photosmart 380 series printer! With your new,
compact photo printer you can easily print beautiful photos with or without a computer.
This guide explains how to print photos from the printer without connecting it to a
computer. To learn how to print from your computer, install the printer software, and
explore the onscreen Printer Help, see Installing the software and Finding more
Among other things, you'll learn how to:
Print borderless photos with colorful, customized frames.
See Getting creative.
Transform your photos into instant classics with black-
and-white, sepia, or other color effects. See Getting
Improve the quality of your photos by removing red eye,
sharpening out-of-focus photos, and improving the
contrast. See Improving the quality of your photos.
Finding more information
Your new printer comes with the following documentation:
● Setup Guide: The HP Photosmart 380 series printer comes with setup
instructions that explain how to set up the printer.
● User's Guide: The HP Photosmart 380 series User's Guide is the book you are
reading. This book describes the basic features of the printer, explains how to
use the printer without connecting a computer, and contains hardware
troubleshooting information.
● HP Photosmart Printer Help: The onscreen HP Photosmart Printer Help
describes how to use the printer with a computer and contains software
troubleshooting information.
HP Photosmart 380 series User's Guide 3