6 Advanced Functions (EXTRA Menu)
The EXTRA menu provides the following functions:
NAME receiver ID
STATUS status and warning messages
RHSL rehearsal function for finding dropouts
SQL squelch threshold
PILOT ilot tone
RESET default settings
INFO system information screens
EXIT quit submenu
The "NAME" screen lets you edit the existing name of the receiver. If you have not stored a
receiver name yet, you can use the "NAME" screen to assign a new name to your receiver.
The receiver name may be any combination of up to six letters and/or numbers.
1. Select the “NAME” menu.
The first character start flashing.
2. Use the arrow keys to select the desired characters.
The "STATUS" screen lets you activate a visual warning that alerts you to selectable critical
system conditions. If one of the selected conditions occurs, the display backlighting will
change from green to red and a warning message will appear on the display that describes
the current condition. The warning messages appear in order of priority:
1. "LOW.BAT": Transmitter battery capacity is low. The battery will be dead in about 60 min-
2. "AF CLIP": Audio overload. The received audio signal drives the receiver into clipping.
3. "RF.LOW": Received signal field strength is so low that the receiver audio output has
been muted to suppress unwanted noise.
All selected warning functions are active in both LOCK and SETUP modes.
The REHEARSAL function detects a maximum of six dropouts and records the time each
dropout occurred, the minimum field strength at each antenna, and the maximum audio
level. You can view the list of results after the recording has stopped.
1. From the "RHSL" screen on the receiver, select "START" to start the recording.
2. Move the transmitter around the area where you will use the system to check the area
for "dead spots", i.e., places where the field strength seems to drop and reception de-
3. Speak or sing into the microphone or play a few bars on your instrument (the louder the
4. You can stop the recording at any time by pressing briefly.
Possible indications:
“D1”: The recording has been completed, the display indicates dropout no. 1.
“MIN RF”: The recording has been completed, no dropout has been detected. The display
indicates the minimum RF level measured.
“OVFL”: The recording has been stopped automatically because six dropouts have been de-
tected already or because the available time (16 minutes) has elapsed.
Receiver ID
Status and Warning
39WMS 470
WMS470_F031016_Hex_final 22.12.2010 14:19 Uhr Seite 39 (Schwarz/Black Auszug)