P38+ Pellet Stove
Door Options
"Sunrise" Gold Trim
This kit includes a gold trim piece for the ash lip and a
gold Sunrise piece for the door.
Referring to the diagram, page 4, note how the various
components of the door system fit together. Lay the load door
face down on a soft surface.
Clean the glass thoroughly using a nonabrasive glass
cleaner. Install the glass gasket around the outer edge of the
front face of the door glass carefully to insure proper sealing.
Note: There are 4 tabs on the Sunrise. These tabs have
a step on the front side and are flush on the back side. Place
the "Sunrise" in the door so the step side is to the front.
Set the glass pane gently onto the door. Install the hold-
down clips and tighten with bolts as shown on page 5.
To install ash lip trim, simply slide the trim over the ash
lip and into the groove on the trim.
Gold Door
The gold door is assembled and installed the same as
the standard door. Refer to page 4. Be careful not to scratch
the glass and be sure to clean the gold before starting a fire in
the stove.
To install ash lip trim, simply slide the trim over the ash
lip and into the groove on the trim.
Cleaning Gold
The gold plated door and gold Sunrise should never be
buffed or polished.Abrasive clesners and metal polishes will
remove the plating and therefore should never be used. If the
gold needs to be cleaned, wait until the stove is completely
cool, then use a sponge, soap and water to gently remove dirt
and stains. Before relighting the stove, remove all soap resi-
due and wipe dry.