W arning: Always unplugyour washer to avoid electricshockbeforecleaning.
Ignoring this warning mayresult in deathor injur y. Before using
cleaningproducts,always read andfollow manufacturers instructions
and warnings to avoid personalinjur y or productdamage.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Use only dampor sudsy clothfor cleaningcontrolpanel.
To avoid any kind of damageto cabinetfinish, wipe washer cabinetas
needed.If you spill liquid/powdered softener, bleachor detergenton the
cabinet,wipe cabinetimmediatelybecauseit candamagethe finish.
Do not use any abrasive,harsh chemicals,ammonia,chlorinebleach,
concentrateddetergent,solventsor metalscouringpads.Someof these
chemicalsmaydissolve, damageand/or discolor your washer.
Removepins or other sharp objectsfrom clothesto preventscratchingof
interior parts.
Leavelid openafter you are donewashing to allow inside of washer to
dry and preventbadodors.
Care and CleaningGuide