Defrosting and Draining The Fr eezer
Defrost wheneverthe frost becomes1/ 4" thick. Neverusea sharp or
metallicinstrumentt o r emovethefrost asi t may damagethecooLing
coils.( A punctured coil will void the warranty)
Turn thetemperaturecontrolto OFF positionand unplug theunit.
Fo r draining, placea tray beneaththeouterdrain plug. Pu ll out the
drain dial (see fig . #2a) and rotateit so that thearrow p ointsdown
ward. This will let thewater flow out into thetray.
Removethedrain plug from theinside of the freezer(seefig.#2b).
Defrostingusually takes a fewhours.To defrostfasterkeepthe
freezerdoor open. Whendone, pushthedraindial in and turnthe
arrowto theup position.Re-plug thedrainplug insidethefreezer
compartment. monitorthecontainer underthedrain to avoid
Wipe theinteriorof thefreezerand replacethe electricalp lug in
th e electrical outlet.
Re setthe temperaturecontrol to the desired setting.
Foo d Storage Basket
Your freezer has 1 or 2 remo vable basket. It allows you
to storefood more accessablyor you can removeit if not needed.
(seefig. # 1 )
fig . # 1
fig . # 2a
fig . # 2b