
Adjusting your new bike
Choosing the spring stiffness of the
suspension fork
Your suspension fork comes by default with a
standard spring that covers a wide range of lo-
ad and riding styles.
If the spring stiffness should not meet your re-
quirements after adjusting the pre-load or if
the suspension bottoms out too much, you
can order a spring with another spring stiff-
ness through your dealer and have it mounted
there. For more information see page 41.
It is not important to exactly follow the re-
commended values for the negative travel, rat-
her follow your feeling how the bicycle beha-
ves during a ride, depending on the road situa-
While riding you should only seldom feel the
suspension bottoming out. However, in case
this never occurs the spring might be to hard
which means you don't use the total suspen-
sion travel.
The suspension fork MEKS Carbon AC is fitted
with a hydraulic damping unit. On the right
fork leg is a turning knob to adjust the dam-
You increase the damping by turning the knob
We recommend you to start with the lowest
possible damping. Only when the fork oscilla-
tes more than once after you have gone over a
bump should you increase the damping.
When the fork works fine when passing a sin-
gle bump but stiffens distinctly when passing
several bumps that come quickly in a row, the
damping is too high. However, when the fork
"jumps" during the rebound movement the
damping has to be increased.
Turning knob for the adjustment of the damping of the suspen-
sion fork M
EKS Carbon AC.