The Clock
• The timeout (period during which you must complete each
entry) of approx. 60 seconds applies also for the clock.
• You can enter times whether the radio is switched on or off.
• You can enter clock times and switching times in several
different ways.
Examples: Entry sequence
Clock time 630
1 st example: Clock time 6.30 0630
2nd example: Clock time 15.00 15
3r d e xam pl e: C lo ck t im e 0. 15 015
Setting the Clock
(TIME I/Clock time I) with the help of a reference clock.
Example TIME 1: 6.30 hours:
• The display must indicate TIME I.
• Enter the clock time with the numeric buttons.
• Press and hold down the TIME I/II button until the refer-
ence clock jumps from 6.29.59 to 6.30.00.
- As soon as you release the TIME I/II button, the clock
starts running right on the dot and the colon between the
hours and the seconds indication will flash.
Setting the Clock
(TIME II/Clock time II).
For setting TIME II/Clock time II proceed in the some way, with the
only difference that the display must indicate TIME II.
As the seconds of clock time II run synchronously with clock
time I, you must not wait for the minutes change-over in this
Clock Time Indication TIME I/II
• Repeated pressures on the TIME I/II button (without pre-
ceding number entry) will switch between the two clock
time indications.