Model G0790 (Mfd. Since 9/15)
Feed Rollers
Periodically check and clean chips and sawdust
from between the bushing blocks and brackets.
Items Needed Qty
4'' Tall Block of Wood ........................................ 1
To clean feed rollers:
2. Place a 4'' tall block of wood between one
feed roller and planer table. Ensure block of
wood is not under cutterhead.
3. Lower cutterhead assembly just enough so
roller is pushed up against spring and pres-
sure is off of two brackets.
4. Remove any trapped material from between
roller assembly and bracket.
Figure 36.
Sawdust can get trapped between the
bushing block and the bracket.
Scale Calibration
Although correctly set at the factory, the scale can
be adjusted for accuracy if it becomes necessary.
Tools Needed Qty
Phillips Screwdriver #2 ...................................... 1
Scrap Piece of Stock ......................................... 1
Calipers ............................................................. 1
To reposition scale:
1. Plane scrap piece of stock until it is flat on
both sides and has even thickness along its
Note: Turn scrap board over between each
pass to make surfaces parallel.
2. Use calipers to measure board thickness.
3. If there is a discrepancy between board thick-
ness and reading on elevation scale, loosen
the M6-1 x 12 Phillips head screw shown in
Figure 35, adjust position of red pointer to
indicate correct thickness, then re-tighten
Figure 35. Elevation scale components used to
calibrate thickness reading.
Phillips Head
Scale Indicator
The feed rollers rotate in bushing blocks that are
spring loaded. The feed rollers ride up on the
board so that the roller pressure is maintained.
If chips or sawdust build up between the bracket
and bushing block (see Figure 36), the amount
of roller vertical travel will be reduced, potentially
causing improper feeding of workpiece through
the machine.