G0675 10" Jointer/Planer Combo Machine
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1203 Lycoming Mall Circle
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Phone: (570) 546-9663
Fax: (800) 438-5901
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/O Technical Documentation Manager
P.O. Box 2069
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Email: manuals@grizzly.com
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This jointer/planer can flatten the face or edge of
rough and warped stock, and reduce the thick-
ness of workpieces.
This jointer/planer shares a single cutterhead,
which features two steel knives that remove the
bottom face of the workpiece in jointer mode or
the top surface of the workpiece in planer mode.
The key features of the jointer are the outfeed and
infeed tables and fence, and the main features of
the planer are the planing table and the powered
feed rollers.
To square up a piece of rough stock, the infeed
table is lowered a desired amount. The stock is
placed firmly on the jointer infeed table and against
the fence. While using the fence as a guide, the
workpiece is moved over the cutterhead, where the
knives make numerous shallow cuts that “shave”
off the surface of the workpiece. The workpiece
is received by the outfeed table, which along
with the fence, continue to guide the workpiece
across a flat plane until it completely passes the
cutterhead. This process is repeated a number of
times to yield the desired cut.
After the machine is converted to planer mode,
the operator adjusts the table height according
to the stock thickness and the desired depth of
cut. The face of the previously squared-up stock
is placed on the table, the workpiece is pushed
into the machine, where the infeed roller grabs
it and draws it into the cutterhead knives. The
powered outfeed roller pulls the workpiece out of
the cutterhead and delivers it to the outfeed table.
This process is repeated until the board is smooth
on one side. The board can be flipped over again
and planed on the other side until it is smooth, or it
can be edge joined after the machine is converted
back to a jointer.
Functional Overview