Pressure Relief Procedure
311141A 3
Pressure Relief Procedure
1. Turn power switch OFF and
unplug sprayer power cord.
2. Turn spray/prime valve to
PRIME to relieve pressure.
3. Hold metal part of gun firmly
to side of a grounded metal
pail. Trigger gun.
4. Engage trigger lock.
If you suspect the spray tip or hose is clogged or that
pressure has not been fully relieved after following the
steps above, VERY SLOWLY loosen tip guard retaining
nut or hose end coupling to relieve pressure gradually,
then loosen completely. Clear hose or tip obstruction.
Trigger Lock
Always engage the trigger
lock when you stop spray-
ing to prevent the gun from
being triggered acciden-
tally by hand or if dropped
or bumped.
1. Follow pressure relief procedure.
2. Prime pump (refer to your sprayer operation manual
for this procedure).
3. Install roller frame.
Follow this Pressure Relief Procedure when you stop
spraying and before cleaning, checking, servicing, or
transporting equipment.
Do not modify the extension tube or roller frame or use
parts not designed for this equipment.
Gasket (12) must be in place before installing frame
(1). If gasket is not in place there is a potential injection
hazard which could result in serious injury.
Refer to your sprayer and spray gun instruction manu-
als for safe operation of this frame.