
System Operation
82 312779E
Alarm Monitoring/Reset (Discrete I/O)
Anytime an alarm occurs, the Alarm Reset input will
reset the alarms and allow for processing of the next
step by automation,
except for the following condi-
Potlife Alarms
be reset by the Alarm Reset
input or through the EasyKey Alarm Reset
key. Only a Purge/Color Change or spraying the
Potlife volume will reset a Potlife alarm. (See
Alarm_Potlife output information on page 54.)
When Flow Control is turned on (see Configure
Screen 5 on page 34), the Flow_Rate_Alarm output
will be High when the instantaneous flow rate is
above or below the Flow Rate tolerance setting.
(High Flow or Low Flow will be the condition, indi-
cating in the status bar of the EasyKey.) This output
will be High along with the Mix_Active output. The
PLC should monitor the amount of time this condi-
tion exists and take action at a predetermined time.
With Flow Control there will be times (for example
during flow rate changes) where the general alarm
as described here will be High (typically momen-
tarily). The PLC must read this Alarm output (i.e.
general alarm), see if Mix_Active is still High, and if
so, start a timer. A typical example would be to
ensure all parts are sprayed within a specific flow
rate range. A maximum predetermined time would
be set to allow a Low or High flow condition to exist
Shutdown or go to Standby after the flow rate alarm
time expires.
Job_Complete Input
Every time a momentary Job_Complete input is seen by
the ProMix 2KS, a job log will be recorded, logging the A
and B meter volumes (cc) with a time and date stamp.
The volumes will then be reset to 0. (Volume totals are
accumulated since the last reset.)
NOTE: A Color Change accomplishes the same Job
Complete Reset functions. The Job_Complete input is
commonly used to record material usage for a specific
set of parts. These volumes are sprayed material vol-
For Applications with Dump Valves (for quick
purges/color changes at or near the gun):
ProMix 2KS has four specials that can each be turned
off and on twice throughout a color change sequence.
See Advanced Setup Screen 8 on page 42 or Recipe
Setup Screen 7 on page 46.
For example,
a dump valve at a gun on a robot could be
opened at the appropriate times to facilitate fast color
changes. Another output could be used to automatically
drive an air-operated fluid regulator High during the
Purge or Color Change process.
NOTE: With integrated Flow Control, the flow control
regulator automatically is driven High. See Advanced
Setup Screen 5 on page 41 for specifics on setting up
these values. Each of the specials can be monitored,
but can only be controlled through the times entered
within the setup screens of the EasyKey or by managing
the proper registers on the network.
The following ProMix 2KS inputs should
be on
(High) at the same time:
The Recipe Bits (0-6) are always on at the same time.
The only time these bits are recognized is when the
Color_Change_Start input is High. The Recipe Bits
should be loaded and
stay loaded
for the current rec-
ipe. Do not change the Recipe Bits until a color change
is required again. Inconsistent results are possible if this
is not followed.