System Errors
3A0869H 55
System Errors
NOTE: Do not use the fluid in the line that was dis-
pensed off ratio as it may not cure properly.
System Alarms
System alarms alert you of a problem to help prevent
off-ratio spraying. If an alarm occurs, operation stops
and the following occurs:
• Alarm buzzer sounds.
• Status bar on the Display Module shows the alarm
icon and code.
• Alarm is saved in the date/time stamped log.
System Advisory/Record Codes
Table 6 lists the advisory and record codes. Advisories
and records do not stop operation or sound an alarm. If
an advisory occurs, the Status bar on the Display Mod-
ule shows the advisory icon and code. System records
do not display on the Status bar. Both advisories and
records are saved in the date/time stamped log, which
can be viewed on the display or saved to a flash drive
using optional USB port.
To Clear Error and Restart
NOTE: When an error occurs be sure to determine the
error code before resetting it. If you forget which code
occurred, use Run Log Errors (Screens 5-14), page
44, to view the last 50 errors, with date and time stamps.
To reset errors, see Table 7 and Alarm Troubleshoot-
ing, page 58. Many errors can be cleared by simply
pressing .
Air Flow Switch (AFS) Function
Air or Air-assisted Guns
The air flow switch (AFS) detects air flow to the gun and
signals the ProMix 2KE controller when the gun is trig-
gered. The AFS functions with the flow meters to ensure
that system components are functioning correctly.
For example, if a flow meter fails or clogs, pure resin or
catalyst could spray indefinitely if the ProMix 2KE does
not detect the condition and intervene, which is why the
AFS is so important.
If the ProMix 2KE detects through the AFS signal that
the gun is triggered, yet there is no fluid flow through the
meter, a Dose Time Alarm (QTA1 or QTB1) occurs after
40 seconds and the system shuts down.
Operating Without Air Flow Switch
It is not recommended to run without an air flow switch.
If a switch fails, replace it as soon as possible.
Airless Gun
It is not recommended to use an airless gun with the
ProMix 2KE. Two issues can arise from operating with-
out an air flow switch:
• Without a gun trigger/air flow switch input the Pro-
Mix 2KE does not know it is spraying and will not
generate a Dose Time Alarm. This means there is
no way to detect a failed meter. You could spray
pure resin or catalyst for 2 minutes without knowing.
. 56. Display Module Alarm Codes
. 57. Error Log Icons
Error Code Indicator
Record - no icon
Alarm icon
Advisory icon